Is $1 FREE DOLLAR too good to be true?

WOW! So, I came across this new site called $1FreeDollar while searching facebook for other money making opportunities and it seemed so simple, I figured, what the heck. Can't win if you don't join, right? I proceeded to the site to give it a look and read any fine print. After reading the Terms of Service, I decided to take the plunge. Signing up was super easy since I used the "connect with facebook" feature to join. Then, all I did was confirm my email address through the link in the email they sent, edited my profile, put in all my contact info so if I won they would know where to send the check. That was it! I thought, "ok, I joined, we'll see what happens, but I'll probably chalk this up to another site that will go in my "trash" file" and add it to the list of "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is".  Well folks, here it is........5 days later....... and I WON!!! :) I really did! See the image below:

Screen shot of my email notice
I went to bed about 12:30am this morning and woke up at 3:30am because the neighbor's 2 dogs barking woke me up. I was wide awake then, so I got on the web, checked my email and couldn't believe what I saw scanning the list of new emails that came in. There was one from $1FreeDollar with the subject heading "You Are A Winner".  First thought was, "naaaah.....surely this is a spam email or scam email or they were hacked or something".  I right clicked on it to see the address it came from to make sure it was safe to open and it appeared legit. So, I opened it and the above image is what I found. :)
I went to the site and there was my name across the screen announcing the winner for the day!

The image above shows after I confirmed my winnings. Not sure why they let you create a profile with a user name, and when you win they show your first name and last initial. Anyway, I couldn't believe it. 5 days and I had already won! I saw someone on $1FreeDollar's fb page state that they'd already won 3 times, which is one of the reasons I figured I'd give it a try and see what happens.

Now, the fine print is very very simple. Here is what their TOS says as of 12/09/12:

To sum it up:
  • 1 user/account per household
  • Must be citizen of the USA 
  • 13 or older
  • need bank account to deposit or cash the check
  • Can win ONCE every 30 days
  • Winnings must be claimed within 7 days or it goes to another user
After 30 days you are able to add your name to the "list" of possible winners again. 
The site does have a referral section complete with banners, your link, and if you use facebook and have connected to it, there is a section to share with your friends you've selected. If any of your referrals win, you also win 25% of their earnings.
That's all there is to it! Now, ready to see how long it will take you to win? Just click the banner below and come back and tell me how long it took you to win!

(Please note:There are no guarantees of winning, but what have you got to lose?)
***I will do a follow up post when I receive the check in the mail. 

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